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USPI annual MB meeting 16 June 2022 Report

USPI MB Meeting

On 16 June 2022, USPI hosted its annual Management Board meeting. With this article we want to share the key presentations with you all so you are aware of developments among in our industry and with USPI members and network.

Advance Work Packaging:
Mark den Boer and Jerome Jemotte presented how they have implemented Advanced Work Packaging on the Red2Green project in Pernis with a focus on how to structure data requirements in support of the process. This is the third time they are implementing AWP and they have an excellent grasp of the data requirements required to support this process.

Industry tagging Philosophy:
On behalf of IOGP and USPI we proposed to create an industry tagging philosophy to enable better integration via consistent tagging across scopes of different contractors, packages, vendors etc.  The presentation was well received, and we are now calling for 10-12 participants to kick off the work.  4 parties have already been identified.

Cost and Planning data standard:
Ferry Zollner presented ISO 19008 and its use-cases. The standard is used widely in our front end and project controls systems and is being adopted by several of our competitors and one of the benchmarking organisations.  This presentation is part of our wider effort to create awareness and widen adoption.

Instrumentation data standard: 
Wilhelm Otten and Heiner Temmen of DEXPI and NAMUR presented how parts of those two standards can be implemented to standardise instrumentation data; with a longer term objective to make such data application-neutral in a similar way that DEXPI has created a neutral format for the P&ID data.

Implementation of industry data standards, including CFIHOS:
Jean Luc Hoffert of Technip and John Leeflang of McDermott presented the EPC view of the current implementation of data standards

Business plan of USPI:
Martin te Lintelo presented the USPI results of 2021, plan for 2022 and finances.  These were supported and endorsed.

Future options plan:
Peter Paul Pruijn presented the future options planning document of USPI, and organised feedback on this in an interactive session.  There was overwhelming support for the “Shrink scenario” which will now be adopted by USPI


Please do not hesitate to get in touch should you have questions about these sessions, or about joining a project of USPI.

Click here to view Presentations and recordings which are available for USPI members.

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On behalf of the USPI Executive Committee

Vincent Grondman