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ISO 15926-4 TS (Reference Data)

End 2004 the ISO15926-4 TS (Technical Specification) was successfully balloted by ISO TC184/SC4 with a significant number of technical quality issues. These have been resolved and the final package has been approved and is now published by ISO CS.

The ISO15926-4 TS standard consists of a base standard document and a number of socalled electronic inserts. These electronic inserst are in the form of spread sheets that can be downbloaded freely form the ISOTC184/SC4 ONLine server. The table below lists the spread sheets defined, what they contain and where to download them. The base ISO15926-4 TS document provides more detailed information about the contents of the spread sheets. This document can be purchased from ISO.


activities, including physical processes carried out within process plants and en-gineering activities carried out by people

basics generic engineering classes which are referenced by other sets, but which are not specific to an engineering discipline
class of class classifications of classes for information management purposes
connection material equipment items and features of equipment items which are involved in the mak-ing of process connections
electrical electrical equipment items including motors, generators, uninterruptible power supplies and transmission and distribution equipment
encoded information languages and formats for information
control function functions implemented by automatic control systems
heat transfer heat transfer equipment
information document types, including documents which specify process plant operations, and identifier types
instrumentation equipment items involved in monitoring, communications, recoding and control
ISO 15926-2 superclasses ISO 15926-2 entities which are superclasses of reference data items in this part of ISO 15926, or which have reference data items in this part of ISO 15926 as instances
piping pipes and piping components
property physical quantities and physical properties possessed by equipment items
protection insulation (thermal and electrical) and safety systems for the protection of personnel and equipment
solid handling handling of solid objects, including billets and particulate materials
static equipment static process equipment, excluding heat exchangers, valves and piping. Within scope are tanks and vessels, reactors, separators, filters and static mixers.
transport vehicles, and associated civil and marine structures and facilities
uom units of measure and scales
valve valves (for the control or prevention of fluid flow)

Maintenance of the standard as data base
Currently an operation is setup under ISO TC184/SC4 for maintenance and extension of the reference data. An ad hoc group under leadership of Chris Kreiler, USA, drafts the terms of reference for the MA such that it will be satisfactory to ISO and to industry. 
Once operational copmpanies will be able to send in issues for quality improvements and suggestions for extenstions. Should you wish more information, please contact us.